Bread and Butter Pudding with Rich Whiskey Sauce
The climate in Ireland makes you want comfort food every now and then, and this dessert is one of the best kinds. A century or so ago, bread and milk...
Not so nutty: Fruitcakes in Ireland
Cakes rich in fruit have always been popular in Ireland, for a number of reasons. Initially it had a lot to do with household equipment. It wasn’t until about the...
Rich Guinness Cake
This recipe is adapted from one in Clare Connery’s In an Irish Country Kitchen, and is light (as Irish fruitcakes...
Caraway or caraways? Irish herbs and spices
For a long time Ireland’s unique circumstances as a country at the far edge of European experience meant that its...
Baileys Marbled Cheesecake
The “base” recipe for this rich and luscious cheesecake is derived from the famous cheesecake native to the venerable New...
Orange and Lemon Carrageen Pudding
Carrageen lends a delicate flavor or scent of the sea to this fresh, light citrus pudding. Its “set” tends to...
About Carrageenan
Carrageen “moss” (actually a seaweed) is one of Ireland’s more unusual natural resources. There are any number of ways to spell its common name: carrageen, carrageenan, carragheen and carragheenan, take...
Apple Amber
Apple Amber is one of those recipes that plainly involves the cook strolling out to the farmyard tree on a whim, pulling a few green cooking apples off it, and...
Dean Swift’s Burnt Oranges
Jonathan Swift once wrote a slogan for a lady orange-seller to shout in the street as advertising — a “cry”,...
Chocolate Potato Cake with “Irish Potato Candy” Frosting
In Maura Laverty’s tremendous 1960’s collection of traditional Irish recipes, Full and Plenty, this recipe comes with only one word...
Donegal Oatmeal Cream
Here’s a dessert based on that hardiest of homegrown Irish grains, the oat. Don’t try this with rolled oats! You...
GIF Irish Coffee Cake: applying the coffee / whiskey syrup
Distributing the syrup evenly to the layers…. Spoon it on slowly and spread it around, as in the image. This...