Baileys Marbled Cheesecake
Sinfully rich, deliciously creamy... the Baileys cheesecake par excellence

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Baileys Marbled Cheesecake

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Adjust Servings:
For the crumb crust
85 grams Butter Melted
125 grams Crushed digestive biscuits or graham crackers
4 tablespoons Granulated sugar
1 tablespoon Cocoa
For the cheesecake
1.75 cups Granulated sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla extract
5 Large eggs
3 Egg yolks
0.5 teaspoon Salt
2.5 pounds Cream cheese Softened
4 tablespoons All-purpose flour
0.25 cup Heavy cream
0.25 cup Baileys Irish Cream
1 teaspoon Instant coffee crystals
1 tablespoon Cocoa
2 tablespoons Warm water

    This classic cheesecake recipe marries perfectly with everybody's favorite Irish cream liqueur

    • Serves 8
    • Medium


    • For the crumb crust

    • For the cheesecake



    The “base” recipe for this rich and luscious cheesecake is derived from the famous cheesecake native to the venerable New York restaurant Lindy’s.  (More about that cheesecake’s history here.) In this marbled version, the marbling is where the Baileys is. To reinforce the Baileys flavor, both coffee and cocoa (which Baileys contains) are added to the dark part of the mix.

    The cheesecake will keep well refrigerated for days and days. It also freezes brilliantly, and will keep in the freezer for up to six months. One warning in passing: this cheesecake needs 18-24 hours to set after baking, so you’ll need to make it at least a day ahead. If you try to serve it sooner, it’ll fall apart — so be warned.

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    Have ready

    A 9-inch (or better still, a 10-inch) springform pan.

    Butter the pan and then line its bottom and sides with parchment paper. Also butter the paper lining the sides of the springform. Set the lined springform aside while the other cheesecake ingredients come to room temperature.


    For the crust

    Melt the butter and crush the graham crackers or digestive biscuits very finely by whatever method suits you. You can bash them with a rolling pin between layers of waxed paper, or in a Zip-Loc bag, or pulse them in a food processor.

    After crushing the crumbs, put them in a heatproof bowl and stir in the cocoa and granulated sugar. Add the melted butter, stir well together with a fork ,and allow to cool.

    When the crust mixture is completely cooled, stir it well again. Then press it into the bottom of the springform pan and half an inch or so up the sides. Preheat the oven to 190C / 375F and bake in the preheated oven for 7 minutes. When finished, set aside to cool completely.


    Making the cheesecake filling

    In a large electric mixer's bowl put in half the cream cheese, half the sugar, the salt, and two tablespoons of the flour.

    Beat well: then add the rest of the cream cheese, the rest of the sugar, the vanilla, the cream, and one tablespoon of the flour. (Reserve the remaining tablespoon.)

    One at a time, beat in each of the eggs. Make sure each one is beaten in very well before adding the next. Do the same with two of the egg yolks: reserve one.


    Dividing the batter and making the cheesecake's marbling

    When completely mixed, pour half the cheesecake batter into a second bowl. In a third, smaller bowl, add hot water to the instant coffee crystals: mix well until dissolved. Add the cocoa and whisk until well blended into the coffee mixture. Add the final tablespoon of flour and the final egg yolk and whisk well again until completely blended. Finally, add the Baileys and once again whisk lightly until completely blended.

    Add this mixture to one of the bowls of cheesecake batter, and stir well until it is completely mixed into the second bowl and the whole second bowl is the same color.

    By large spoonfuls, take turns spooning the two mixtures into the springform pan. When the pan is full, carefully draw a knife through the mixture a number of times, both vertically and horizontally, to produce the marbling effect.


    Baking the cheesecake

    Preheat the oven to 400°F / 200° C (or as close as you can get to those temperatures). Place the cheesecake carefully on the center rack of the oven and bake at this temperature for 15 minutes. Then reduce the heat to 350° F / 175° C and bake for another 60 minutes.

    Open the oven, and quickly (wearing an oven mitt) jiggle the springform pan a little to check the cake's texture. It will normally have puffed up somewhat, and a little wiggle is normal. But if it still seems very "wet" or loose, it will need a little more time. Allow it to bake for another ten minutes; then turn the oven off.

    Allow the cheesecake to sit in the residual heat for another half hour, or forty-five minutes if your oven is well insulated and holds heat for a long time. (This helps keep the surface from cracking as it cools.) ...Then remove the cheesecake to a rack and allow it to cool completely.


    Cooling and serving

    When completely cool, refrigerate the cheesecake for at least eight hours, and preferably overnight. 24 hours is best. Do not attempt to serve this cheesecake on the day you make it: it will not have had time to finish setting up, and will go to pieces.

    After its time in the refrigerator (and ideally the day after you bake it), remove the cheesecake from the fridge, carefully unclamp and remove the springform's ring, and peel off the baking parchment.

    To make the nicest-looking slices: Slice the cheesecake while cold, using a sharp knife which has been dipped in hot water. Allow the slices to come closer to room temperature before serving, so that the flavor of the Baileys will be at its best.


    *Yes, lots of people do spell it "Bailey's Irish Cream" or even "Bailey's Irish Creme". The name doesn't actually have an apostrophe, though.


    I write for a living. But food is one of my favorite hobbies... learning about it, cooking it, eating it!

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    3 Comments Hide Comments

    Where does the heavy cream get added to the recipe? It’s never mentioned in the instructions, just in the ingredients list.

    Oh gosh, Jane, THANK YOU for catching that! Am editing the recipe now to insert it. The cream goes in with the second batch of cream cheese when the main batter’s being mixed.

    Thanks again! — Diane

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